Small businesses play a crucial role in global and local economic development. They create jobs, stimulate innovation, and provide essential goods and services to communities. The World Bank estimates that small businesses represent 90% of all businesses, and according to MasterCard, Sub-Saharan Africa alone has 44 million micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
This festive season, the editorial staff of the South Africa-based TROPICS MAGAZINE is proud to unveil the “Tropics Gifts Guide 2023-2024”. This is a selection of 100+ African and Caribbean brands that the whole world should know about and whose offerings could encourage the purchase of beautiful souvenirs during the upcoming festive season and beyond.

This special feature is dedicated to Aida Cosmetics, a cruelty free and natural plant base cosmetics brand. In her own words, “At Aida Cosmetics, we celebrate beauty in all women. We firmly believe that “every day, we should do something to express our own uniqueness. It’s bad for the mind to continually be a part of conformity.” With that in mind, Aida cosmetics creates a makeup path of vibrant colors, quality makeup and shades for all skin complexion. It’s a new beauty eye-deal!”

Founded in 2008 by internationally celebrated and French-born makeup artist Aida Danielle, Aida Cosmetics specializes in amazing products, fabulous make-up quality and an unbelievable color selection for ALL women.
All our products are:
- Hypoallergenic
- Fragrance free
- Allergy tested
- Non-comedogenic
- Manufactured in North America

Currently, AIDA Cosmetics has made and will continue to make a significant impact in the US market and is now expanding to Europe and Africa with their involvement in charitable social initiatives (Breast Cancer campaigns & Kids Cure etc.) along with engagements of businesses and celebrities endorsements and awareness of social and cultural diversity.
AIDA Cosmetics continues to be client-focused and to offer their customers amazing products, fabulous make-up quality and an unbelievable color selection for ALL makeup lovers.
Shop your all your favourite items from Aida Cosmetics at