With the holiday season fast-approaching, the editorial staff of the South Africa-based TROPICS MAGAZINE is getting ready to unveil the “Tropics 100 Brands Powerlist: The Best African and Caribbean Brands to consume in 2024”. This is a selection of 100 African and Caribbean brands that the whole world should know about and whose offerings could encourage the purchase of beautiful souvenirs during the upcoming festive season.

To this end, we are inviting you to contribute to the ranking by associating your brand in the 2023 TROPICS GIFTS GUIDE by TROPICS MAGAZINE, the release of which is scheduled for mid-December 2023. The said catalog promises a comprehensive resource of bestsellers in every category: arts, beauty, accessories, wedding, fashion, food, health, wellness, nutrition, travel, hospitality, lifestyle, online training, mentoring offers, homeware, decor, tech products or services, gadgets, jewelry, consumables, small electronics, ceramics, stationery, books, personal care items, and the list is endless.
Whether you are a young entrepreneur, a start-up, an established brand or a supplier, take the opportunity to present your latest range of products and/or services in this multimedia catalog (digital and print) which will be the subject of all conversations beyond the first trimester of 2024. This new platform aims to celebrate the authenticity and diversity of African and Caribbean brands internationally.

Why should you join this program ?
• Join a platform that seeks to empower African and Caribbean brands to increase your brand awareness, expand your reach and subsequently increase your sales.
• Shop authentic Made in Africa and Made in Caribbean gems to support local/regional small and medium-sized businesses this holiday season and beyond.
• Reach an audience of more than 55,000 subscribed readers of Tropics Magazine spread across the English-, French- and Portuguese-speaking markets and take advantage of your presence in the ranking to boost your branding and, above all, start making your mark on new markets.

What is the scope ?
• Upon release, the TROPICS GIFTS GUIDE by TROPICS MAGAZINE is made available to the public in print and digital formats
• The gift guide is emailed to all of Tropics Magazine’s 55,000 online subscribers via newsletter plus to an additional Whatsapp network
• Each of the brands presented in the gift guide is also published on the Tropics Magazine website and gets a dedicated article with the brand history followed with the products description and a redirection link to your website/your platforms on social networks. Please note that your article remains available on the Tropics Magazine website forever, allowing you to continue to benefit from good SEO positioning on Google in the coming year.

How much does this service cost and how will it work ?
You have the choice between these two main offers:
• a one-page advertorial in the PDF magazine giving you access to the Top 100 ranking/gifts guide + an article on the Tropics Magazine website ($85 • 80 EUR • R1,550) or
• a two-page advertorial in the PDF magazine giving you access to the Top 100 ranking/gifts guide + an article on the Tropics Magazine website ($160 • 150 EUR • R3,000)
In addition to the Tropics Magazine Gift Guide article, brand owners featured in the ranking/catalog will receive a BONUS INTERVIEW on the Tropics Magazine website to share their entrepreneurial journey with our readers at the beginning of the year.
The deadline to subscribe to this offer is December 18th, 2023, we will ask you to submit your brand content:
• Company name
• Name and photos for each product
• 25-word description of each item
• Links to your official website and/or social media platforms
Kindly note that we accept products with good quality images to ensure they look good in digital and print formats. We will not be responsible for poor quality images, please be sure to submit a set of 5-10 photos showcasing your latest product/service range in good lighting, followed by pricing.
We sincerely hope to secure your spot in the forthcoming “Tropics 100 Brands Powerlist: The Best African and Caribbean Brands to consume in 2024”. As space is VERY LIMITED, we urge you to take advantage of this opportunity immediately.
WhatsApp: +27 72 749 2347 • +229 97 96 9594
Email: newsroom@tropicsmag.net • tropics.info@gmail.com
Official website: www.tropicsmag.net