Participez à la 2e campagne annuelle #MANDELADAYxTROPICS par TROPICS MAGAZINE

Pour la 2ème année consécutive, TROPICS MAGAZINE s'associe aux African DOers, aux entrepreneurs sociaux, aux universitaires, aux organisations à but non lucratif, aux professionnels des médias ainsi qu’au grand public pour promouvoir la mission de “67 organisations à but non lucratif” en Afrique et à travers la diaspora en l'honneur de les “67 minutes pour Mandela Day”.

Take part in the 2nd annual #MANDELADAYxTROPICS Campaign by TROPICS MAGAZINE

For the 2nd consecutive year, the South Africa-based TROPICS MAGAZINE is joining hands with African DOers, Social Entrepreneurs, Academics, Non Profit Organizations, Media Professionals and the general public to promote the mission of "67 Non Profit Organizations" in Africa and across the globe in honour of the “67 Minutes for Mandela Day”.

Report: Venicia Guinot (Tropics Group) participates in High level Dialogue and Pre-Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

On this 9th of March 2023, Ms. Venicia GUINOT was invited by the United Nation's Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in West Africa chaired...

La rédactrice en chef de Tropics Magazine, Vénicia Guinot, parmi les finalistes des AWIEF Awards 2022 en Egypte

L'Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) a le plaisir d'annoncer les finalistes de nos prix AWIEF 2022. Actuellement dans sa sixième édition, les prestigieux...

Cairo to host the 8th annual AWIEF Conference and Exhibition 2022

The Africa Women Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum is heading to North Africa for the first time. The 2022 edition of AWIEF will take place...


