La rédactrice en chef de Tropics Magazine, Vénicia Guinot, parmi les finalistes des AWIEF Awards 2022 en Egypte

L'Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) a le plaisir d'annoncer les finalistes de nos prix AWIEF 2022. Actuellement dans sa sixième édition, les prestigieux...

Comment faire pour arrêter de procrastiner tout le temps ?

La procrastination est un phénomène bien connu. Nous savons que nous avons quelque chose à faire

Fashion and Sustainability: Why now is the right time

Climate change, and the escalating impact of rising temperatures, is the main sustainability challenge we face in our generation. We need to adapt our cities and their infrastructure for extreme events such as these floods, and for gradual changes, such as sea level rise and altered weather patterns.

Africa’s Mobile Gender Gap: Millions of African women still offline

Many African women can still only dream of owning a smartphone and having access to the internet. Men, however, have long been able to surf the web. This inequality has significant political and economic consequences.

Obamas Team Up With Airbnb Founder To Launch $100 Million Scholarship Fund

Former US president Barack Obama announced today he has teamed up with Airbnb's founder to launch a $100 million scholarship aimed at helping university...


