Qu’est-ce que le TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT et en quoi consiste ce sommet d’affaires?

TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT est le rendez-vous d'affaires le plus important sur l'investissement en Afrique, comblant avec succès le déficit de financement entre les marchés anglophone, francophone, lusophone, arabophone et hispanophone au profit de l'industrialisation de l'Afrique

What is TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT and why it’s a must-attend event to add to your diary?

TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT is the most important business meeting on investment in Africa, successfully bridging the financing gap between the English-speaking, French-speaking, Portuguese-speaking, Arabic-speaking and Spanish-speaking markets for the benefit of the industrialization of Africa

InsurTech Solutions will reshape the insurance sector in Africa

Needed but not prioritised, relied upon but not trusted – these are just some of the perceptions that have characterised interactions with the insurance sector. The sector has been grappling with the challenge of delivering relevant products for a long time, especially to customers at the base of the economic pyramid.

CAMPOST annonce la disponibilité dans tout son réseau d’agences des services Campost-YunusPayTM

« De nouveaux services seront accessibles à l’ensemble de la population Camerounaise pour ouvrir la voie à une véritable inclusion financière et sociale… »

Report: Venicia Guinot (Tropics Group) participates in High level Dialogue and Pre-Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

On this 9th of March 2023, Ms. Venicia GUINOT was invited by the United Nation's Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in West Africa chaired...


